Susie Mallett

Parent blog

Monday 23 April 2012

Led Teaching or the Pető Method

'Entwined spirals' by Susie Mallett, Cambridge, April 2012


I woke up a little recently, having gained some extra energy, so I have cared a little more for my blog. Not only have I posted something, I also took a look at the sitemeter.

I do not often look at the sitemeter to discover the location of my visitors.What interests me more are the 'referrals'. I like to ask myself – ‘Where in the internet do the visitors come from, or what motivated them to Google and land on my site?’

Sometimes the referrals come from Google Images. Pictures of oak trees, snow and city landscapes seem to be most popular.

Sometimes they are from the Conductive Post (see the foot of my right-hand column for link), or from other people’s blogs or Facebook pages that have a link to –

What I find most interesting is when the visitors comes from another 'Blogspot', one that I have not seen before.

This happened a while ago with ‘deans' stroke musings’ at – 

I have mentioned ‘deans' stroke musings’ before on my Conductor blog.  It is a site that I now read regularly because it really is a mine of very interesting and often useful information. I  haave recently noticed on sitemeter that I now get regular visitors from that URL to my own blog too.   

This morning, when I decided that it was time to take more interest in my poor old blog, I discovered another new 'Blogspot' on the referrals list –

I went straight over there to investigate, expecting to discover someone else searching for clothes that conductors (the musical kind) wear! 

What I discovered was a new blog. A new blogger with an interest in conductive upbringing who has just discovered my blog.

This new blog is written by a Mum with two children, the youngest of whom has cerebral palsy. She writes about her family; a family that is just beginning their journey and their search, building up that team of people around them who can help them all.

The family live in Poland and as Polish is not a language that I am at all acquainted with I have used Google Translate to read the blog postings.

The most recent posting on the blog is called –‘Pető’. 

Naturally this was also the first posting that I put into the translating machine. I was rewarded with a very well written description of the family’s pre-diagnosis, knowing-but-not-knowing life, the post-diagnosis, knowing-and-searching-for-a-way-ahead life, and the beginnings of a new, hopeful, finding-a-conductive-upbringing life.

Led teaching 

That is what the translating machine thinks Conductive Education is – 'Led Teaching', and the machine is probably right!

I find the Polish term ‘Led Teaching’ preferable to the German  konduktive Förderung. In Germany many people prefer to call it the Pető Method as the Mum writing this blog mentions here – 

Istnieje sposób rehabilitacji dzieci z mpd, który obejmuje wszystkie sfery rozwoju dziecka, nie tylko ruchową. To Kierowane Nauczanie (Conductive Education), metoda, stworzona w połowie XX wieku, w Budapeszcie, przez Andrása Petö (dlatego bywa nazywana metodą Petö). Jest popularna w USA i Wielkiej Brytanii, w Polsce istnieje zaledwie kilka ośrodków, oferujących zajęcia prowadzone wg. tego systemu. Od ponad dwóch tygodni, Maszunia uczęszcza do jednego z tych ośrodków. Ale o tym co tam robi i jak sobie radzi, będzie w następnym poście. Gdyby, do tego czasu, ktoś chciał się więcej dowiedzieć o samej metodzie, polecam stronę Instytutu w Budapeszcie:

Google translation

‘There is a way of rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, which covers all areas of child development, not just physical. That is Led Teaching (Conductive Education), a method developed in the mid-twentieth century, in Budapest, by András Peto (hence sometimes called the Peto method). It is popular in the U.S. and the UK, in Poland there are only a few centers that offer classes conducted by this system. For more than two weeks, Maszunia attend one of these centers. But what they are doing and how the Council (outcomes), will be in the next post. If, by this time, someone wanted to know more about the method, I recommend the website of the Institute in Budapest:

I am looking forward to reading soon about the outcome of Maszuna’s, and her family’s, first conductive experience.


Dean’s stroke musings

Maszunia – 


  1. Yes, people too often forget Poland. It is a big and sophisticated European country, with its own long history. As for Conductive Education, and depending upon definiions, it is quite a big county too, again with a longish history by the standards of the internationalisation of CE.

    Sophisticated...? Well, there is a bit of a literature on kierowane nauczanie, and several centres exist providing this, there has been a sub-diploma course at Warsaw University, and empirical evaluation, there is a National Association and there are passionate advocates. There have even been the occasional conductors working there.

    Kierowane nauczanie derives historically from the transmitted teachings of Ester Cotton. The Polish term was created, I suspect, to reflect the resulting practice. Nauczanie means something like 'instruction', a telling misinterpretation since Polish and Poland have very well developed concepts of both pedagogy and upbringing in common use. Kierowane means 'directed', 'targeted' or, as you have it here, 'led'.

    I am glad to hear of that family's enthusiasm for what they have found. I wonder what it is and, like you, look forward to reading more about it.

    There have been, I believe, various course on kierowane nauczanie: here is the one that I mentioned above:

    I do not know whether it is still running.

    I am endebted to Grzegorz Wiacek of the Catholic University of Lublin for helping me sharpen up my philological understanding of the phrase kierowane nauczanie. I cannot recommend his scholarly interest in conductive pedagogy too highly if you would line to pursue this line.


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